
Car accident, does she want me to call her?

by  |  earlier

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On my way to work this morning a woman hit me from behind. No real damage on my vehicle or hers (a little scratch on my car, but a pretty big scratch on hers). Anyways I found her attractive, I'm 22 and i think she's in her late 20's, and I just wanted to get to work on time so I said its alright don't worry about it. We didnt exchange information. But as I was about to walk to my car and drive off. She gave me her number just in case. Does that mean she wants me to call her? Help me?




  1. Call her.  If she's not interested, OK. But, I don't think that's why she gave you the number.  I am a female and I would be OK with you calling me to see if I was feeling alright.  If she is already taken she would still think its a sweet gesture.

  2. I wouldn't let it go until I found out. It will be something you may worry about for a long time. SHE gave you her number for a reason. Call her up and strike up a conversation. If she isn't involved with someone else, ask her out for coffee. She will let you know right then and there (in a nice way) if this relationship has been curbed or if it's full speed ahead ! go for it and good luck.

  3. maybe she likes you, or maybe she's just doing the right thing in the event you try something like sue her.   Depending on the state in which you live, she could use phone recorded messages against you in a court of law.  If you choose to call her do not indict yourself.  Keep your conversation off of the accident.  (Trust me on this one okay).  She could manipulate the conversation to suggest that you were the one at fault and could lead you into a lot of legal troubles..  However,  she could have given you her number just in case you really were injured and did not realize it until like the day after.  In which case that lets you know that she's and upfront, honest, caring person who take responsibility for her actions.  

    Call her!


  5. She's not trying to pick up on you.  She's being responsible in case you really do need your car fixed.  But hey, if you want to talk, feel free to call and talk to her husband about the car.

  6. You need to call your insurance company and give them the phone number and get this accident on record before she turns around and possibly reports you for a hit and run.............

  7. call her if you want.

  8. Not sure. Might be. You could call her and see how her car is doing! lol.

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