
Car accident, how much to expect & will I still get meds?

by Guest44756  |  earlier

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I see this question asked a lot but I would like to get an answer for my type of case.

Back in january I was driving alone in my car 06 chrysler 300c, going down a two way street and some guy pulled out of a gas station right in front of me. i tried to get out of the way but the guy was taking up both lanes. he just stopped in the middle of both lanes i guess to look to see if traffic was coming..( thinking about it now I wish i asked the cop to give the guy a breathalyzer)

I hit his passanger door, my air bag didnt come out and my seatbealt did not lock so i was thrown into the steering wheel. it costs about 9 thousand to fix the car. i went to a chiropractor for about 5 months and I am still in pain. I have a pinched nerve and the cussion in between my spine slipped and is leaking, plus my chest was swollen for a while, for months i was not able to hang out with my friends or even work because it just hurt to stand for more than a few mins. btw I am 22 years old...

state farm made me go to there doctor to see if i was really hurt and the guy lied saying I was able to walk around fine and was able to take my shoes on and off (including socks) with out a problem...when actually I told the doctor it hurt to do it and it took me about 5 mins to get both shoes and socks off. so he sent a letter to my chiro, my lawyer and myself saying i was ok and they will not be covering any of my bills anymore so i cant see the chiro.

my lawyer said about 2 months ago that they are going to get my settlement now.

how much should I expect and do you think I will ever be able to get pain killers for my back again somehow. thats really the only thing that helped I cant stand or sit for too long or else it hurts. even just lifting almost anything hurts my back.

thx for taking the time to read this.





  1. Get a lawyer.  Your question includes; "will I still get meds?" .   Avoid  "meds" .  They are addictive and you will regret it if you become addicted

  2. On the face of your question it sounds like your insurance is trying to avoid a big payout, I think you need the advice of a good lawyer who specialises in auto accident claims. Good luck.

  3. The amount of the payout just depends. It took me two years to get a payout for my accident. As far as paying for your meds you really need to go to a doctor to get them and then your health insurance will pay all/or a portion or you will be paying out of pocket.

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