
Car accident, other guy's insurance company won't pay for chiropractor...what do I do now?

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I live in NC. A month ago, a guy ran the yield sign & hit my front passenger side fender. There was only $900 worth of damage to my car. My kids & I went to the ER 3 days later- they said we have whiplash. I was given pain meds & muscle relaxants. I took these for 2 weeks. Since I & my children were still in pain, we began going to a chiro about 3 weeks after the accident. The guy who hit me insurance company accepted full liability but they refuse to pay for a chiropractor for us. They said that chiropractic care is unreasonable for an accident that resulted in such little damage. My children only need a few more sessions of chiro but I need 4 weeks more. The chiropractic care seems to be relieving my pain. I don't know what to do. Do I stop going to chiro? Do I call the insurance adjuster & try to talk them into paying for the chiro care? I don't think it's fair that I have to pay the chiro for the services we've received thus far.




  1. It does seem a bit strange that you need to go to the chiropractor after an accident that only caused $900 worth of damage.  How fast was the guy going when he hit you? 10mph?  I hope everyone was wearing their seatbelts as well. gl with all of your future proceedings on this.

  2. As far as i know,this is a question with many different answers,it is really depend on the judgement of yourself,provide a great resource here for reference though.

  3. If it was his fault then they are responsible for any treatments that a medical professional deems necessary to heal you from any injuries that resulted from that accident. Insurance companies are quick to charge, but sometimes need a lawyer to get involved before they are willing to open their pocket book and shell out the money they owe. Call the contact number you were given, threaten them with a lawyer. Tell them that the attorney you spoke to said they are responsible for ANY treatments that resulted from that accident and if you dont recieve payment then they will be hearing from your lawyer. Inform them that if your injuries get worse from lack of care because they hesitated to pay that they will be paying for that as well.  

  4. You need to have your lawyer get in touch with that insurance adjuster about your treatments, if you don't have one, then hire one that you feel good about and take the company to court, they should at least pay for yours and the kids treatments, in some states you can also be repaid for any lost wages also, I know in Texas they do that, but I bet there is a form of that in your state also. You have rights, your lawyer can tell you what they are.

  5. you need to contact YOUR insurance company and get them involved.  they will pay your medical bills and then subrogate to the  other company to get repaid.  that's what you pay your company for, to work for you.  Its done all the time

  6. Get a good accident attorney and let the attorney handle it. You gave the insurance company a chance to take care of it. Now it is time to look out for yourself. In the meantime, if the insurance does offer a settlement do not accept it and do not sign any medical release.  

  7. You get an attorney -

    They will pay.


  8. Get yourself a lawyer and sue them for pain and suffering, your lawyers fees and a little extra for a nice vacation.  Their are trying to rip you off. They are not doctors and cannot assess injuries based on monetary damage of the vehicles. That's redickerous. I've seen people get severely hurt in 10 mph collisions.

    Get a lawyer and make them pay!

    WOW! The guy that hit you if dishing out thumbs down...that's extra special.

  9. get you one of those 1 800 shyster lawyer they will get your chiropractor taken care of

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