
Car accident, prescribed Vicodin while preg?

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I got into a car accident yesterday and I went to the hospital. My neck was in really bad pain. I got hit in my driver rear side. Well because I am preg they won't give me any x-rays. So for the pain they prescribed Vicodin.

They told me to take very sparingly, but I only took one and haven't took anymore because My stomach as been getting cramps. What do you think I should do. It's Sunday can't call doc today.




  1. don't take the medicine, it can effect regular people, let alone an unborn child, that could do some damage, i wouldn't take anymore till you talk to your doctor

  2. I was on vicodin when i was around 13 weeks along also was on morphine, i was in the hospital because i had kidney stones, the Dr's told me it was ok to take vicodin, just not more then what they tell you to, i also don't under stand why they didn't do X rays since they are prob, necessary, to make sure you are ok, i would call your dr tomorrow and ask him and maybe get a second opinion, hope you feel better and everythings ok with you and your baby good luck

  3. Did they check you over and make sure your baby is ok?  If not then you need to be seen by your doctor as soon as you can and if I were you I'd stay away from the vicodin.  Do you have tylenol?  Take that instead and keep an ice/heat pack on your neck.  Good luck, I hope ya feel better.

  4. Call the nurses station at your hospital where you plan to deliver.

    I was prescribed darvocett for a bad back...was too afraid to take them. But my second pregnancy I had a kidney stone which they treated me with Morphine....Here I was afraid to take a regular tylenol, and they gave me Morphine.

    It depends on how far along you are, your health, babies health...lots to consider.

    Call the nurses station at the hospital.

  5. Hospitals are open 24/7

  6. WOW! This is a tricky situation. I would hold off on the vicodin. That doesn't seem like too good of an idea. I'd probably take some tylenol for the pain, and take a warm bath, and have someone give you a back massage. Then call your Obgyn in the morning, and see what he would do. Im not an expert on those things, but im pretty sure vicodin while pregnant isn't too good of an idea.

  7. I think that it would take more then one dose to hurt the baby. Since it is a category C I would say that occasional use is ok, but like they said use it sparingly.  

  8. I personally wouldn't take it. Call your obgyn in the morning and let them know what is going on, they may want you to come in for an ultra sound just to check things out.  

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