
Car accident can i sue car company?

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i just got into a car accident about a week ago i went off the side of the road because i lost control of the car.....its a 93 honda prelude si.....i dont have car insurance since i didnt really drive it but the car is totaled and i got really messed up because the airbags didnt even come out .......can i sue honda i mean theres older cars out there and their airbags work....its not salvaged title...




  1. Oh you can sue Honda all right, but you'll never see a dime simply due to the fact that their legal department has a monthly budget that is probably more than you make in 5 years. It is a lose-lose situation for you. I'm not trying to be a jerk, just giving it to you straight. Don't waste your time, believe me, I know from experience about airbags not deploying.

  2. You can try but you wont win, did your vehicle hit straight on or at an angle ???

    Airbags deploy only when they might be needed to prevent serious injury.

    Frontal driver and passenger airbags are designed to inflate in moderate to severe frontal crashes equivalent to hitting a solid barrier at 10-12 mph.

    Some manufacturers use different inflation thresholds depending on whether people are using their safety belts.

    Thresholds of 10-12 mph typically are used for unbelted occupants, but thresholds are higher — about 16 mph — for belted occupants because the belts alone are likely to provide adequate protection up to these moderate speeds.

  3. Lost control of the car?  Bet you were speeding.  Take some personal responsibility for your own actions.  Stop adding to the ridiculously litigious society we find ourselves in.

  4. you can try but i don't think you will get anywhere without insurance

  5. you have the accident and its hondas fault. most cars have to be in a head on collision for the air bags to deploy.

  6. You cant sue Honda because YOU crashed. Did you die? No, so the airbags would not have made much difference anyway because you are still alive. also you were driving without insurance and that is a very naughty thing to do. you will probably get a driving ban.

    Im not even old enough to drive but to know that

  7. You could, but all you would end up doing is wasting your time and money.  Air bags don't always deploy.  You have to crash head on and over a certain speed.  If you hit at an angle, they won't deploy.  Also, air bags have to be inspected/replaced every 10 years.  If not, the car company is not responsible for faulty air bags, you are.

  8. Unless you can find some long pattern of airbag failure in 93 Preludes, you'll never be able to prove that it wasn't the result of something that happened to the car between 1993 and the accident.  

    And way to go, destroying an uncommon and desirable car, BTW.  Really, that's awesome.  

    Oh, and if you really got in an accident then you, or someone, must have really been driving it.

  9. Hmm, no car insurance because you really don't drive it, but you were driving it when you went off the road, right?  Sorry, you do the dumb thing like drive without insurance, and speed by the sound of it,  you take the responsibility yourself.  Airbags go off on frontal impact, not from sliding off the side of the road.

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