
Car accident help!?

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while driving, we were in the far left lane while a car was in the far right lane, then she swerves and cuts us off with no blinker and we hit her. She then spins into oncoming traffic and stops. With no one hurt, we both pull in a parking lot and exchange all information. The whole time she was saying it was her fault. We call her insurance and she explains what she did. The cops would not come out unless someone was hurt,intoxicated, or the car is not drivable. After we get the claime number and everything we head on to the machanics. Two days later, she called the driver ( my boyfriend) and tells him he is liable because it was his fault and she had a baby with her, WHICH IS TOTALLY FALSE! No baby, only her 20yr old neice. her insurance has not contacted us yet, but she is changing her story and trying to make it seem it was our fault when it wasnt and she even said it was her fault two days earlier. What can we do in order to prove they were in the wrong and now changing the story




  1. Do not worry about it.

    I know it sounds impossible, and it is going to be very hard.

    But stop and look at the facts rationally and not emotionally.

    1. Right now, she can say anything she wants. She can lie all she wants, no big deal. and it does not harm you any at all.

    2. If push comes to shove and it does go to court, in order to keep up this sham, she would have to commit a number of crimes-fraud, perjury, etc.   And her "friend" would have to go to court and lie for her. This would make her friend guilty of the same crimes. Plus you can then add conspiracy to the whole mix. Do you really think this friend is going to commit a number of felonies just to cover for her? Probably not, after all there is nothing in it for her.

    3. It all is really not your problem! You insurance company is the one that is going to have to deal with it. Trust me, they have people who are very good at handling jerks like this. they do it every day.

    You will end up just getting your car fixed and probably never hear about it again.

    If you do get pulled further into it, then you get the pleasure of watching your insurance companies lawyer rip her apart.

    In situations like this, the truth always comes out.

    All you need to do is to keep your insurance company up to date on what is going on.

  2. According to the damage, it sounds like your boyfriend is going to be placed as the party at fault. I am still stuck on why the police did not come. At my department we are required to respond to all accidents unless on private property involving only one car.

  3. You should've insisted on the police making out a report because without that, it's your word against hers.

  4. I have never heard of the police refusing to come to the scene of an accident.  Please don't take that the wrong way.  I'm not doubting your story.  I'm just saying that you may want to let your insirance company know about that.  Traffic accident investigation is part of civic duty for police officers.  Anyway, I would definitely hire a lawyer if your insurance company lets you down.  However, I really believe that this will turn into a battle between the insurance companies.  You may want to go ahead and take this lady, I use this term loosely, to court and explain your side of the story to a judge.  Unfortunately, this is a civil matter.  So, the outcome of the case will depend entirely on who the judge believes.  Good luck to you!

  5. Get a lawyer
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