
Car accident making right turn?

by  |  earlier

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I was making a right turn into my driveway, which happeneds to be more than a 90 degree turn up hill. So the only way to make the turn is to go about two feet into the other lane with my left tires and make to approach. I noticed there was a driver aways behind me as I put me blinker on, and turned up into my driveway, and was hit on the side passanger door. TBONED by the guy, who was trying to make a pass on the right>? WHO IS AT FAULT, He is arguing saying I am. But I was hit about 7 feet in my driveway, all four tires of mine were in the driveway when I was hit.




  1. The other guy is at fault because if you were turning right and he passed on the right then that is illegal. you are not supposed to pass anyone one the right hand side of road.

  2. passing on the right is generally illegal . You would have been better off to have stopped earlier at the curb , and allowed the vehicles behind you to pass, your moving into the other lane may have caused the other driver to believe you were turning the other way.

    I believe the other guy would be mostly at fault .

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