
Car accident question.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm insured, and drive a red Saturn stationwagon a 96' or 97'. It was raining out earlier so the roads were slippery and I tried slowing down to avoid collission so i tried going to the right to go up on to the sidewalk/grass (no houses/ just grass in that area) but i couldnt avoid it and hit the back right of this woman's car. now i have to go to court and i'm scared and stuff. any advice?




  1. Dont drop the soap!

  2. **** happens!!! We have all been there. As mentioned let the insurance co deal with it.

    Tell the truth and all will be fine.

    Best of luck

  3. tell the truth it would come out any way and it looks better if you tell the truth in the first place

  4. **** happens look whos in the white house, just dont lie or anything dont admit that it was you fault, just say what happend but never NEVER USE THE WORDS "IT WAS MY FUALT" NEVER SAY THOSE WORDS!!!

  5. Well just tell the judge what happened and let the insurance company handle it for you.

  6. Be honest. Don't make up any stories, just tell them exactly what happened, even if it was your fault. Sure, you you may get fined and be required to pay damages and all that stuff, but being honest and polite will make the whole situation a lot less stressful and help it go by that much quicker.

    If the woman is there are starts yelling at you or getting snotty with you, just smile and be polite. I know it'll probably be hard, but she'll turn out to be the one who looks like a moron.

    I know that being in court in front of a judge is pretty intimidating sometimes, so bring a spouse/parent/friend with you if you're allowed so that you don't feel like you're alone and can lean on them for support if you need them.

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine. =o)

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