
Car accident settlement how much to expect?

by Guest34111  |  earlier

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I was involved in a car accident about a year ago. My damages to my car were $13,000. My medical bills were $8,000. The lady was driving 50 mph when she rear ended me when I was waiting for the green light. She is taking full responsibility. I do have a lawyer. I suffered broken and cracked ribs due to seat belt pressure, muscle spasm and soft tissue damage in my back. I also lost $7100 in wages due to time of work. I was attending physical therapy for 6 weeks. Any idea what would I be getting clear after paying my medical bills and paying my lawyer?




  1. There are too many variables to give you an accurate answer. These include, the state you are in, the amount of her policy, the length of your disability, the county that you would file suit in...

    Since you have a lawyer (who probably is getting 1/3 of your recovery) why don't you ask him?

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