
Car accident. the other driver got my info, but i didnt get their's bc it was so my fault. what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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this was 2 days ago. it was my 1st accident and was pretty shaken up. i knew it was my fault and figured the other person just needed my info and i didnt need their's because MY insurance would handle it. but i was told by someone that i should have gotten their info too. whats going to happen now? should i call my insurance and tell them that i got into an accident but didnt get the person's info? help




  1. you really should have gotten the persons info.  how do you expect your company to process the claim without any info?  its YOUR responsibility to call this in to your company as you were at fault.  if the other person calls your company they will in turn call you to verify the facts and set up the claim.   was a police report made?  if so you can get the other parties info off the report.

  2. You do not need to call the Police unless anybody has been injured.

    Just call your insurance company and tell them like it is.

    You or  they will get the person details when they start the claim.

    PS if they was not insured themselves you may never here anything and they wont try and claim off you.

  3. You can get the other drivers information when they call your insurance company just ask them.

  4. Yes, call your insurance so they have record of the loss.  If you remember anything, like the make and model of the vehicle, the point of impact and the accident description provide them with this info.  

    Should you receive a call from her, refer her to your insurer.  If for some reason you receive a subrogation notice from her insurance company refer it to yours.  

    Edit - The next time you are involved in an accident, you can call the police.  However, in most jurisdictions unless there are reported injuries, and the damage appears to exceed $1000 they will not respond.  

    Having record of the loss will not void your coverage should she file a claim.  In some states an insurer can deny coverage for late notice.

  5. the police must have their info, get if from them, if you didnt call the police you could get nailed for leaving the scene of an accident, no matter how trivial, you should always call the cops and always get the other drivers plate, make, model, adddress, phone, insurance company, for your own safety, without a cop there to take pics and witness what happened that other driver can claim anything now, and you would have no way to prove it, if he had previous damage from something else he can claim it happened when you two had an accident and you will be responsible

  6. Always call the police (injuries or not) and YOUR insurance company and report any accident.  ALWAYS !  Call them now.  They will handle everything but they cannot if they do not know about it.

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