
Car advice - buying or leasing in Ontario?

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I'm asking this here as it's an Ontario-specific car question. I hope that's okay.

I've been told that most people lease their cars in Ontario, as they have such a short lifespan due to the salt and whatnot on the roads. My husband and I are thinking of relocating there next year, so I'm curious if this is actually true.





  1. I have always bought my cars in Ontario....until last year when i leased an Acura.  There was a special offer on with very cheap financing.  I hope i can make more investing the money (even paying nearly half in income tax) than I pay on the lease.  Most cars aren't eaten by the road salt the way they were twenty or thirty years ago.

  2. the salt really doesn't have much effect as long as you wash your car fairly regularly in the winter.  The only effect it would have is it tends to eat through paint.  But again, just run it through the car wash once a week - once every other week and it'll be fine.  I've NEVER had a problem with any of my cars, nor do I remember my parents EVER having ANY problems with theirs growing up.

  3. Road salt has no bearing on Leasing or buying in Ontario. It only has tto do with how much money you have, what kind of car you are interested and if you like changing cars often. If you like to havea  new car every 2-3yrs, not much money for down payment and need low monthly payments easing is for you. Just remember if you drive a lot of mileage there are kilometre limits and if you go over you'll pay big time.

    If you have enough for a good chunk down payment, don't mind keeping the car for 5yrs+ and can pay for repairs after the warranty is up, buying is for you.

    he salt is not a worry with the way cars are made these days(carbon fibre and all) but you can get rust protection that will inhibit any rust.

  4. Uhm actually no we don't have a short life span then other people living in other cities. At least I haven't heard anything like that. I recommend buying a car just because you save more money on buying no matter what those stupid car sellers say because they will try to play with your mind and what not just to make a sale.

    Hope that helps.

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