I have a JBL GTO 75.4
Its been working fine for ages but im always altering my system, recently i took the amp apart because i thought i was going to have to drill through the bottom but it turnd out i didnt, when i put it back together I accidently dropped a ground on a fuse wire and it seemed to burn it. I ignored it and put everything back and in my car and worked fine......for 2 days....then whenever the bass would hit in the red protect light would come on so i had no component speakers just my sub running which is on a different amp. So basicaly the amp just cuts out every few seconds then comes back on again. Today I took it apart and replaced the fuse wire I had burnt, tested it and it worked! fit it all back in my car fitted some fans I just got, then when i went to test teh whole system it was doing the exact same thing as before. Any ideas on how to fix this??!?!
My system:
JBL GTO 75.4 powering 2 infinity reference component speakers
1 cheap sub amp (300W)
lilliput screen