
Car amp install?

by  |  earlier

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im 16 and confused

how do you install a amp?

i understand wire from battry to amp its just the turn on from the head unit and the two output sound cables.

as i have a kenwood headunit, and i dont understand what the following are: tel mute,, ant controll,, remo cont and a random red wire. whats the right cable for the amp?

also how do i take the cables from the head unit to the back of the car? do i have to drill into the car itself nead the drivers/passengers footwell




  1. and make sure u ground the amp, cuz if u dont it wont turn on

  2. tel mute: If you buy an additional box, it will mute the stereo when your cell phone has an incoming call.

    ant control: If you have a power antenna, it gives it the power to go up and down. No power antenna? No need to worry about it.

    Remote: You NEED to run a wire from this to your amp, it is what tells the amp when to turn on and off, so that it doesn't kill your battery when your car is off.

    You don't have to drill anywhere to run the wires, just pull up some carpet and take off some plastic molding. What side is your battery on? I'd run the power wire from the battery through an existing hole in the firewall, down that side of the car to your trunk. Run the remote wire down the same side. Run your RCA cables down the opposite side of the car, to avoid any noise interference between the power wire and sound wire.

    EDIT: yes, you can run both wires from the battery, as long as you have the switch in the remote wire, as you mentioned, but also to run an inline fuse in there too, since you won't be running that wire through a fused source.
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