
Car and MP3 modulator--use too much gas?

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My car has an MP3 modulator that links to the cigarette lighter.

So, I'd like to ask, does using ur mp3 modulator uses too much power in your car? Does it take up some of the gas since it's linked to the cigarette lighter?

I notice that my car seems to empty its tank faster whenever i use the modulator.




  1. NO.

    Your modulator uses something like 1/2 amp (if that much).  That's less power than the dome light.

    If you are using too much gas, it is something else.

    Good Luck...

  2. This is extremely unlikely.  RF Modulators only use a fraction of an amp of current.  Usually on the order of 10 to 100mA (thousands of an amp).

    To give you an idea of how much that converts from horsepower, 745W is one horsepower.  Driving a 600W amplifier off your car's electrical system causes 1HP of load on the engine, which is barely noticeable for a 100HP car.

    at 100mA and 12V, that's 1.2 watts.  Which is a small fraction of what even one of your turn signal lamps uses when it's on.

    Your radio uses far more power than  the RF modulator to power the speakers, anyway.

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