
Car crash claim?

by  |  earlier

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i was in a car crash today, car in front of us suddenly braked because he missed his turn and we had to slam onto the breaks to avoid crashing into him, a cop car ploughed into us from behind, and my other friends in the car behind the cop car crashed into the cop car. nobody was badly hurt, but there was a fair bit of damage done to all the cars except the guy who caused it (i.e the guy who broke suddenly). who is liable for what damage?




  1. Everyone is liable for who they hit... Even thought its all one guys fault. Everyone is liable for following to close to the other. Unless you can prove that  the guy that stopped suddenly did something illegal. Then he's liable for everyone.

    If the cop was smart, he would issue a ticket to the guy you hit, so that he was seen at a fault and would have to pay for everything and the cop could keep his job.

  2. You are liable for damage to the car in front of failed to travel with a safe stopping distance between you and the car in front. Makes no difference if he slammed his brakes or not...most laws state that you must be far enough behind the next car to avoid such situations. Probably you will have to pay his deductible.

    I would think the cop's insurance would have to pay your deductible, same law.

    Same for your friends' car behind the cop. That's unfortunate. Next time leave some distance between your cars and the ones in front of you.


    Based on your added comments, then the insurance on the cop car should pay for your deductible. He was not traveling within a safe stopping distance from your car...he should have known better! And...he should give himself a ticket because if he were a civilian, he would most certainly get one.

  3. the last car in line he hit the cop which made the cop hit you which made you hit the car in front of you if the last guy would have stopped none of this would have happened
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