
Car crash..what could be wrong?

by  |  earlier

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my sisters boyfriend got in a car the airbags went off and i think he hit his head.

well now he is slipping in and out of consciousness....its scarey...and we tried to get ihm to stand up and walk to the car and he kept like falling and he can barely keep his eyes open now.




  1. get him to the hospital now! he has a concussion and could be bleeding internally get him to the hospital NOW!

  2. Then it is up to you now and you need to call the police and EMS to look at him because there is no telling what is wrong but this call just might save his life...

  3. So why are you asking random individuals on a website that are more than likely NOT qualified medical professionals?  GET OFF ANSWERS AND GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL YOU DOLT!!!


  5. Just brain swelling. He'll be dead soon. Don't worry. Oh, if you do care, you may want to get him into an emergency room. I have to with all my will assume this is a joke. No one can be that stupid.  

  6. I hope you're joking.

    If not, he's not the only one with problems. Take him to the emergency room......NOW!

  7. Stop messing around on here and call 911.

  8. CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!  He is in serious condition, if not critical, until he is stable enough to stand on his own two feet.  He needs to be under observation by trained medical personnel until he is out of danger.

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