
Car crash who is liable?

by Guest64401  |  earlier

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A car breaks hard on the motorway first 2 cars stop, the 3rd car crashes into the back of the 2nd causing the 2nd to hit the 1st. The 4th car hit into the back of the 3rd after, because the 3rd car didn't leave enough breaking distance that meant the 4th car didn't have enough room to stop either. Who is liable the 3rd or the 4th car?




  1. Most likely the insurance will come to the conclusion that all were at fault for not paying attention and in control of their vehicles and or following too close.

    But number 4 would be mostly responsible and number 3 and 2 would take some blame as well.

  2. That is what the insurance co is for. It is really hard to prove who hit first the third car hit the second car or did the forth car hit the third car that hit the second. It is one of the reasons for no fault insurance. Don't always agree with it but that is life.

  3. Both

  4. hitting the back of a car does not automaticaly let the first car driver off the hook. depending on the circumstances the first car could be assigned a percentage of blame, for instance slamming on your brakes for no reason. the term for this is called contributory negliance. it means you done something that helped cause the accident.

  5. Is this that video online. The old van is dead on the freeway and the little Mustang slams into it? If so, I think it would be the vans fault do to the lack of caution lights or any markings stating a car is dead on the road. For the last two cars, I think speed may play an issue into discovering who is the culprit. If you are speeding, it will be your fault.

  6. 3rd car and 4th car if they had left a bigger space between the cars they would have had time to break.  The first car must have had a reason you dont slam the breaks on a motorway for no reason at all

  7. both the 3rd and 4th  both hit another car from behind the 2nd car stop but was push so it wasnt

  8. 4th car pays for third car's damage.  3rd car pays for 2nd car damage.  depending on the state and what the officer says but in some cases the 2nd car is liable for the damage for the 1st car because if he was following at the correct distance there should have been plenty of room to not hit the first car after being hit.  But like I said it depends on what your state law's are.  3rd car could be responsible foe 1st and second.  Most of this will be decided by all the insurance companies after hearing what the police officer states.  If you didn't wait till one showed up then you should have.

  9. The 3rd car is 75% liable, and the 4th car is 25%.  It is a common insurance "rule," if you will, that if a car hits a car in front of it, it's automatically at fault.  Both cars should have left enough room and should have been paying attention.  Even if you are following a car and it suddenly slams on its brackes for no apparent reason, you should have allowed braking distance.  That's how the insurance company will file it.

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