
Car died after going through puddle?

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my car will not start. i have a lincoln ls 2001 and i went through a huge puddle and the car just died...the radio, lights, air all work but the car wont i just let it dry out or do i have to do somethign please help




  1. it wont stop because the pads are wet, the car died because you got watter on the ignition system or into the engine. letting it dry out might work if you did not get water into the cylinders. you should pull the air filter out and make sure that it is not wet.  

  2. it probably splashed water on the ignition. just raise the hood so the sun can hit it and let it dry out.

  3. You may have gotten water in the distributer cap.  You may need to dry out the distributer cap.  

  4. depending on how big the puddle was, you could have knocked something lose. hitting large puddles at speed can cause alot of damage that you might not expect. water on the outside of the engine wouldn't hurt anything and there is nothing that drying out should help on a newer car with distributor less ignition. so if youre air filter is dry (so you know no water got in the engine) then you need to slip under the car and check the wires on the starter to make sure it didn't come loose (dont touch unless you unhook batt).   i would like to know did when you  hit it did it jerk you to a stop because if so, you need to look in the owners manual to see if there is a fuel cutoff switch, which may need to be reset.  

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