
Car drivers please tell me?

by  |  earlier

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What goes through your head? when your in a line of traffic and a motorbike comes passed all of you to the front.




  1. A few years ago that would have been me !

  2. when i was about to overtake a  bus that had stopped the other day an ******** on a bike overtook the line of traffic behind me just as i was about to pull out. if it hadnt been for the fact i was looking in my wing mirror the daft sod would have been knocked off his bike. some bike riders are their own worst enemies.

  3. I hate waiting, I hate traffic, and I hate when cars or people are in my way. So when I see the motorcycles drive in between cars, first I think "What a *******!" Then I think, he's driving like a moron and will eventually get hit by a car changing lanes. And I feel much better.

  4. I think--what a ******* a*****e. And then I think I wish I had a motocycle.

  5. there goes a person that is willing to take the risk of driving a bike to get from a to b quickly, good luck to them...  

  6. how lucky they are to be able to do it

  7. Sure wish I had my bike back!

  8. well all i think is 'gutted im not on my bike or i wouldn't be stuck in this queue'  

  9. Oh look at that poor person getting wet in the rain.

  10. It does not bother me, but I do think every time that one day someone is going to open their car door and the rider will take it off.

  11. It kinda pisses me off considering they always seem to cut right next to the lane that I'm in, and guess who's car they almost sideswipe every time with their handlebars...that's right, mine. Makes me wanna stick my arm out the window and clothesline them as they go by. Be patient like the rest of us...

  12. Nothing really. It doesnt really stress me sitting in traffic. Was stuck on the M6 once for 7 hours after a bad accident. Nothing can be as bad as that can it.

  13. Get him!    no just kidding.

  14. Quick,open the door as he goes passed.

  15. Good for him.  I'm an old driver, been on the road since 1960 behind the wheel.

    My advice, just be kind to each other out there and especially, look out for bikers and cyclists.

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    Take care and happy motoring.

    P.S. Keep a watchout for hedge-hogs. . . .

  16. I think "there goes someone with no safety-cell, no crumple-zones, no impact-absorbing bumpers, no seat-belts, no air-bags, no quality stereo, no heater/vent system, and my car can out-handle and out-brake him.  He is also, statistically, over 25 times more likely to have an accident over the same mileage as I am, and if the accident involves a momentary impact of over 15g, he is unlikely to survive it.

         I used to live alongside a village by-pass which had a staggered cross-roads on it, and all too often gave critical first-aid to drivers and riders who had been in accidents.  The bikers' injuries were really something.  Trying to stop a leg stump from peeing out blood, and having to go and get the (conscious) guys boot, which contained his foot, is not something I will ever forget.

         I have lost too many good friends to motorcycles.  Barry Sheene wouldn't ride on the road, but nobody on the track had bigger stones on him.  Bless you Barry, you were THE MAN.  

  17. Good luck to him.

  18. I tend to think.... "dang they are lucky, wish I had a moterbike... the wind in my hair, the freedom to cut to the front, a cool helmet, leather jacket, less money on gas, more money on fun stuff, road trips on my motorbike... ooh ya that would be fun, wait... I'd have to get work off first (look at the time) dang.. I'm still stuck in this traffic and now I'm late for work which means that I'm not going to get the vacation I want, spending money I won't have on fun stuff due to the gas I'm wasting by sitting in this traffic on a motorbike Im only dreaming about... d**n motorbike!"

    I think that sums it up. :)

  19. I think what an idiot to take such chances with their life! I live in New Orleans and the locals can't drive all that well to begin with... trying to dodge between the cars to get somewhere in a hurry is a death sentence in my opinion.  

  20. I think that guy is getting soaking wet, but I am nice and dry in my car. Poor sod.

  21. he better get out of the way cos I'm coming true

  22. i'd probably beep my horn at it and wave angrily!

  23. you mean in between the lines

    it pisses me off a little but its not like a huge deal

  24. Just don't hit my car.

  25. nothing really goes on in my head, i just watch them and check our their bikes

  26. For gods sake be careful.

  27. Hi i think it the only way to travel and also think fair play cause when im not out in the car with the misses i do the exact same thing on my motorbike..YA CANT BEAT MOTORBIKES (CAR DRIVERS)..regards

  28. i'd probably be following him on my own bike :-)

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