
Car found on craigslist: Is this a scam?

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Hi, I found an ad on for a 2004 BMW 330i for $5000. This car, even earlier models, are going for $16 000. I contacted the seller and this is what she said (2 e-mails):

First e-mail:


You made the right choice! BMW 3 Series 330i is in great shape,no engine problems,damages or hidden defects and is still available.It was always garaged and never kept outside.I`m a single mother with 2 children because i divorced with my husband and after the divorce i own this car,i don`t need it and that`s why i`m selling it so cheap.The mileage is 39,507 and the price is 5000.We will use eBay`s protection program for our safety.I just need your full name and address so i can open a case.(with no further obligation or fees).Have a nice day!

Second e-mail, after I asked to see her and the car in person:

Hi..I'm not in the country at this time,but if you want we will use eBay in this transaction in order for both of us to be 100% protected and insured by them.eBay will supervise this transaction so there won`t be any problems.They will take care of the shipping and all the small details.You will get the car and you will have 5 days of inspection in which you can decide if you buy the car or not.If you won`t like my car(not your case)you notify eBay and you send the car back on my cost,if you want to keep it you announce eBay you send the money(payment method and all the details will be set up by eBay)and you keep the car.

eBay will send you an invoice at your email in which you will see how to start this transaction and in which you can see that this transaction is legit.Please get back to me with your full name,full address and phone number so i can forward your details to eBay in order for you to receive the invoice.Wait your reply

I did some research and found that e-bay does not handle payments. Is this a scam and what can she do with my name and address?




  1. ***Is this a scam and what can she do with my name and address?***

    Steal you identity for one. No mention is made of title of ownership. This is clearly a scam. If you want an honest deal, go to or

  2. No one sells one of these cars for $5000.00.

    Olde addage - "if the deal sounds too good to be true: it is".

    Like the person above said, cease all contact now!

  3. Stop all contact with this person, they are an overseas scammer. Very common scam floating around right now. There is no "eBay Protection Program" that deals with purchases made on Craigslist.

    I wouldn't worry about giving her your name and address. Not much she can do with it (it's something anyone can find off the internet).

  4. Oh yes, all the classic signs, as mentioned above. Be careful on Craigslist!

  5. Scam. SCAM.  I ran into a very similar deal on ebay for a hemi cuda. I blew it in to ebay and they agreed it was a scam and removed the listing

  6. scam.. listen when you buy any car.. you need to be able to walk a round it and check everything and drive it before any money giving over...she can use your name and address for just about anything she wants

  7. The first sign that this is a scam is that the seller says they are going to use the Ebay protection program, yet they are selling the car through craigslist.  That makes absolutely no sense and it is not even possible.

    Yet people are STILL falling for this.

    I could go to my neighbors house and get the VIN off of their BMW.  Stay away from this or you will be financially sorry.

    In addition, why would anyone sell a car that blue-books for $20K+ for $5K?  If it were legit, the seller could take the car to any CarMax or local car dealer and they would be happy to pay much more than $5K so that they could sell it for market value.

  8. Doesn't anyone know how to search other questions/answers on this web site??? This question has been asked a thousand times, and the answer is always the same - SCAM. eBay has no such program, there is no car, and you would soon have no money.

  9. This is definitely a scam.  

    1.  They are not in the country and selling a car.  

    2.  They are selling it this cheap and are going to handle shipping it to you.  

    The shipping would be more than the purchase price.  On top of that they are guaranteeing you that if you don't like the car they will pay for you to ship it back.  

    How do you think you are going to get the money from them for shipping it back?  Are they going to send you one of those fake cashiers checks?  

    I looked up the blue book "private party value" for this car(6 speed) (an automatic transmission will be worth more) and here is the value for a 6 speed manual transmission:







    If it's too good to be true, it probably is.  

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