
Car headrest monitors missing some wires?

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I have 2 headrest monitors made by accelevision HRM5MASG and it came wit a dvd player by adiovox, in the back of audiovox dvd player there are two DIN connectors for up to 2 monitors, the problem is, iam missing the wires that were in the monitors, like i have the original ribbon connected, but iam just missing one wire that goes from the DVD to the monitors. Its supposed to connect to this plug that the monitor has its like straight and has metal pins in a straight line i think theres like 6 or 7 of them, and from there theres a ribbon that goes iside the monitor, any help please




  1. yea, ok so ur question is...if ur missing wires?

    i would guess so if you cannot get video to the screens.

    try contacting the manufacturer or seller.

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