Ok, so my insurance runs out in October. My car is on finance. To cut a long story short due to a change in circumstances I cannot afford to renew my insurance policy (I can't REALLY afford to pay the finance anymore but I can temporarily manage). I am going to get a cheap runabout car which is cheaper to insure and run. Next year, around Easter time, I can pay the balance off on my car because I will have the funds. However, from October until then it's going to have to stand in the garage. Tax also runs out in October, should I tax it or declare it SORN? The tax is cheap (only £40 pa) but I'm not sure if it has to be declared SORN because it will be parked in a rented garage for 6 months. It is a newish car (57 plate). Will it stay on the car's "record" if I declare it SORN?