
Car insurance GAP Insurance - how do you ask?

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I want to ask about GAP insurance but I do not want to look to guilty....what do you guys think?




  1. why would you look guilty asking about GAP?  GAP is a must to get

  2. Dont feel guilty your agent will love it if you ask, and a little tip... Its usually cheaper with your auto policy than if you buy it somewhere else. ASK ASAP this is VERY important and no one will think the lesser of you! You are showing wise financial decision making, so good for you!

    Also make sure if you have any improvements to your car such as sound systems and rims that you ask if you can endorse them. If you dont and they get stolen or broken, you will not get paid.

  3. GAP - guaranteed asset protection insurance.  this is a must have for any car loan, as it will pay off the remaining balance of your loan (depending of course on your lending institution's terms and conditions) in the event where you have an accident and your car is totalled out by the insurance company only they don't pay you enough to pay off your loan.  you should definitely not feel guilty about asking about GAP insurance, in fact a lot of banks will use this as an "up-sell" when they close a car loan.  some banks even include GAP for free...I know State Farm Bank does.  Don't feel guilty, feel smart!

  4. I have met this type of question before,one of my friend give me a good resource to find useful ideas.Hope you could be lucky there.

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