
Car insurance comp failed to pay 3rd party on time, now i have a satisfied ccj .is there anything i can do?

by  |  earlier

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it ws the insurance company's fault not mine.




  1. Take this further, you paid for 3rd party insurance, the insurance should have paid the 3rd party, insurers to blame not you, seek legal advice from citizen advice bureau.  

    Hope this helps and have a good day ;-)

  2. you had the accident - its your responsibility you could try to

    counter sue the company for compensation - but your credit score is toast!

  3. There is no absolutely sure answer for your question.Nevertheless,explorer the resources here might offer you some tips.HOpe it helps.

  4. It is difficult but it can be done.  This happened to one of my customers late last year and we successfully got the CCJ removed.  Firstly you need to speak to your Insurance company and advise them what they have done and the outcome for you.  They need to write to the other insurance company involved and it will be them who has put the CCJ in.  That company can ask for the CCJ to be removed.  My customer is also claiming compensation from his insurance company for stress and the cost of his mortgage. I wish you luck as it can take a little time (4 months).  We were successful but still await compensation.

  5. It sounds like there is more to this story than you are telling. Why did this case get to suit? Why hasn't your carrier satisfied the judgment? Could it be that you didn't notify the carrier prior to being notified of the suit? Or is there a problem with your insurance coverage?

    If you notified your carrier (as required under the policy) and have proper coverage under the policy, the company should make this payment. Send them a certified letter demanding their position for this claim. If they aren't going to pay it, they need to provide a reason.

  6. Need more details.  Whose insurance company?  Who was the "third party"?  Why do YOU have the CCJ?

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