
Car keyed by a drunk!!!!1?

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my friend was drunk and keyed a car he wrote "p**o" on the vehicle ( btch ) he also got caught by a school camera the owner now wants 6000 bucks to repaint the car it was a 04 audi a4 hatchback plain black, its that the cost of a paint job or is he adding some kind of compensation for the word btch




  1. First its a felony that gets him one year.  6 grand is way too high. Figure more like 600.00 maybe 300.00 if you shop around.

  2. its a felony to do that, they only way out is to pay up buddy. lesson learned. I bet he will never do that again.

    what a dumbass.

    the guy below me has no idea what he's talking about.

    Someone keyed my Audi and it was just a tiny scratch across the top. I couldn't find an estimate anywhere for under 2,000 dollars.

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