
Car licence?

by  |  earlier

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can i ride a 50 cc moped on a car licence with out a cbt in the uk




  1. you used to be able to but you cant now.  you will need a CBT.  its dead easy and doesnt take long

  2. I don't know about the UK, but in Maine the Statutes say you can't ride a powered wheelchair without a license from either the DMV or the Doc.

  3. no my friend those days are long gone, its all about the training now, you have to have a CBT, it only lasts 2years when you either have to take and pass your part 2 test or redo your CBT! Bout £90-£100 should get you a days training and as long as your not totally incompetent on 2 wheels you should be OK!

  4. If you passed your car licence before feb 2001 you can automatically ride a maximum of a 50cc without taking a CBT or any other training.

    If you haven't ridden before, I would recommend that you take some kind of training so you know what to do and how to ride.

    This link will explain that you don't have to do a CBT but if you did what it would involve

  5. i have no idea what you are tryinq to say but if i did i would love to answer.

  6. if you passed your test before 2001,you don't need anything,but if you passed it after feb 2001 you need a cbt.

  7. as long as your license permits you to drive group "p"

    this is the moped entitlement and allows you to even carry pillion and no cbt course is required

  8. yes

  9. You car licence (paper one) will tell you what you are allowed to drive.

  10. No i don't think so.

  11. Can't say for Grt Britain, but in NI you can
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