
Car or Motorcycle? What do you think is best to start with?

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Hey guys,

I'm going to be going for my license next week and I'm still having a debate with myself weather I should get a motorcycle or drive a car. What do you think is best for someone with no driving experience, I'm looking forward to taking a MSF course as well.





  1. all I'm going to say is  go with ur head  

    you can still get hurt or killed what ever to drive or ride.

  2. Hey, I love motorcycles and all but do not get one as your first form of transportation.  

  3. Definitely a car, if you have no driving experience.  Once you learn the rules of the road, get your bike. :-D

  4. Motorcycle riders are 20xs more likely to die in an accident than drivers of cars.....think about riding a motorcycle you are 20xs more likely to be KILLED on the road.  Period!  Be a car!

  5. car

  6. Get the car.

    If you had to ask.........  your heart is not in it.

  7. Everyone should start on a motorcycle.

    I don't know how we get so many dips in this section who don't ride but think they have a right to an opinion on bikes.  

    I've known more people who were killed in cars than on bikes.

  8. OK, you will be getting a job soon too, right, and oh yeah the dating, going to movies, shopping etc. While a bike is cheaper, you will need to drive in hot, cold, sunny, rainy...snow etc. A car is what you need first. Then when you get some cash, buy a motorcyle. And YES to the msf course... they even supply the bike !

  9. Motorcycle! We need more Organ Donors!!! That is what you'd be w/o any experience on the road...that & the fact you ask here first.

  10. I wrote obituaries in college. There were an inordinate number of motorcycle deaths among the thousands of obits I wrote, and several of them were personal friends.

    Driving a motorcycle properly takes great judgment and a full body of experience when it comes to defensive driving.

    I'd suggest a nice, boring sedan with high mpg, air bags, and preferably side curtains. After a while you'll understand the huge amount of danger that is out there.

    Do not drink and drive, and never try to beat a train, and you'll stay out of the "Died Young" obit collection. Live long and prosper.

  11. I drive a car but also ride a bike. Here's the deal. A car is for practical transportation an MC is 9 times out of 10 used as a recreational vehicle. Yes you can commute on a bike but what about when weather sucks or you need to bring luggage.

    A motorcycle is much much harder to ride (properly) than driving a car is. If you wan't to ride a bike someday that's fine. However my advise is to get a car first and put the bike on hold until you get some experience. It's not only about operating a vehicle but maybe even more about good situational awarness in traffic and risk management. There is no shortcut to these things, just a long time of practicing and experience.

  12. Car as a first vehicle without question.

    Learn the rules of the road and how to react to idiot drivers.

    You only get one chance to make a mistake on a bike.

    You want the skills to drive without thinking of what you're doing.

    When driving becomes second nature, get a motorcycle.

  13. Car

    I drive a motorcycle every day to work and there are times I wished I had a car (on cold wet winter days especially if there is ice about).

    A bike is cheaper and far more fun, but they are far more dangerous (the only protection you have is what you happen to be wearing), they are no fun in bad weather (everything from frost, heavy rain, gusts of wind, fog, etc) and they are no where near as practical (the storage space even with panniers is tiny compared to the boot you have in a car).

    Not only that, but despite the fact that having a bike impresses women, I have yet to get one to ride pillion with me. My mates with cars have much more luck.

    I see tons of bikes on the road at the moment, but once summer is over that will tail off and I know there will be barely a bike on the road in winter.

  14. Never a motorcycle.  I've seen so many accidents - lost a few friends.  I'll spare the gory details, and they were gory.  NO protection is a problem.  These people I see paying partial attention to the road while in their SUV, on their cell.  You can't possibly foresee what they will do.  

    I  hope for your sake and for those who love you that you get a car.  And pay close attention.  And expect the unexpected.  

    Best on your decision!

  15. If you have ridden a pedal bicycle, and if you know how to shift gears and use a clutch in a car, then learning to ride a motorcycle is MUCH easier, almost trivial.  I think it's easier and safer to learn clutching and shifting in a car.  Plus you learn the rules of the road, about traffic flow, what to expect at intersections, all that stuff, easier in a car.  

    So I would say car first, especially if you can learn in one with a manual transmission.

    The MSF course is worth it, it will get you started with good habits.  Motorcycles are the most dangerous when you first are learning to ride. Cars are probably the same way but you don't have to worry about keeping upright, and also if you do get in a minor accident you won't DIE.

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