
Car parking in my street..?

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My husband and I own a house - parking in the street is a bit of an issue and you cannot always park outside the house. My husband gets really stressed about this!!!

(ironically, our car was torched by a serial arsonist when it was actually parked DIRECTLY in front of our house - they caught him eventually after he set fire to an artic lorry parked at a petrol station!).

We have in recent years lived away (due to work) - but now we are moving back home, and my husband would rather we got into massive debt by buying another house, rather than put up with the parking problem!! the daft thing is - before we lived together, he used to leave his car at work all the time, and walk to work (some 3 miles away from where he lived) - because the area he used to live in was rough - I have pointed this out to him, and the fact that compared to this, parking a few doors away from our house is not so bad in comparison - but I am not looking forward to his moaning when we move back home!!




  1. I live in Reno NV and don't know if it's legal or enforcable but, there are a few houses near here that have signs out in front that say "parking for (address) only. They are green and on steel poles and look very official. I asked a person I saw by one of these homes and they said they got them at the local sign shop.

    Good luck!

  2. Give him a bit of yah own moanin hon ( o****m springs to mind) and that should settle the issue lmao

  3. We had a simular problem by the highschool, they finally solved it by not letting the students park off campus.

      I would wait until there is a spot in front of the house and move a car in and never move it or switch it with another.   Other wise, ride a motorcycle or bicycle.

  4. As you said...parking in "your" street??? Do you own the street?

  5. You could ask the council to make it residents only for part of the day to discourage random parkers, but do you really want parking enforcement guys in the street. They will make life difficult for everyone, including the residents, and don't even think about legitimate visitors. If you get a dropped kerb installed you could have front garden parking, but even this isn't proof against nuisance obstruction.

  6. why not if you can pay for a drive way and park your car in your own front garden, it will put value on your home if on street parking is so bad.

    we have the same problem here we live on a bend and they are a lot of older people live here who's kids now have cars and still live at home.

    we would have to park at the bottom of the street if it was not for the fact we have a drive that my lazy husbands uses for his car, i rent a council garage some 750 yards away and walk to that when i need my car.

    but it does not bother me who parks out side my house as long as they do not block my drive which they have never done

    regards x kitti x

  7. I agree, on street parking can be plain bothersome at best and irksome at worst.

    Thankfully where I live we all have off street parking and garages, although mine is used in lieu of a garden shed.

    We decided colectively as a street some years ago not to take up the council offer of 'residents parking only' street status as this would have meant paying a fee and besides, none of us actually needs to park ourside our houses.

    Yes it must be a nuisance having to park several houses away, but this is better than not being able to park at all.

    Here's a link which I think might interest you.  One guy I heard on the radio predicted oil at $300 a barl by December 08 - phew!

    This high performance electric car is the future : . . .

  8. Funny.

    I recal stories of visiting friends and when driving off, seeing neighbours running out to re-park their car in 'their' spot.

    Pretty sad.

    I'd make fun of him.

    If you take this seriously, you are confirming to him that Yes, this is an Important Life Issue that adults should worry about.

    If you mock him a little, he might see things a bit lighter.

  9. What is the question????!!!!

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