
Car racing, tactics?????

by  |  earlier

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I have a doubt about racing but can it be possible to race and think for a strategy for winning at the same time????Pretty much initial D style.




  1. Well I do rally but yeah that happens alot! You can't really go into rally with much of strategy besides just trying to get through with out hitting a tree! But yeah keep a good line, brake when you need to, don't break while turning, gas out of the corner... Thats how ya do it!

  2. Yes, especially if weather conditions change,go on your instincts.

    Take it one overtake at a time, out brake, slipstream, do a dummy move, gamble on a pit stop, intimidate the person ahead.

  3. ok i race  quarter midgets\ and the most important thing not just in quarter midgets  but for IRL and NASCAR ect. u got to keep a good line. that is almost everything in racing if you lose your line you can get passed or spin out. a line might not make sence but trust me that is a big thing and its pretty hard to keep it perfect through out ur race. also patience is a big thing. even though you want to pass somebody you have to be smart because you can wreck your opponents car but also your own car. Also your engine determines a lot.

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