
Car repair costs: Have I spent way too much?

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I have a 99 dodge caravan, I purchased in August 2002. I just recently added up all the repairs I have had done in the past six years. This is not counting routine and expected repairs (oil, tires, brake pads). This is major repairs. I discovered that I have spent well over $6200 in six years for the piece of c**p.

This does not include family doing major work on the vehicle either (who never charged me for labor). I need to now put more money into it. The stut towers are rusted and slipping. I have $500 oil leak. The oxygen sensor needs replaced. Both the side doors have holes in the bottom from rust and corrosion. Had to replace the battery way two many times because of rust and corrosion killed the battery.

Is over $1000 annually on car repairs too much money?

Please no rude comments I have 3 kids on a very tight budget could not afford another car.




  1. first off i am truly sorry to hear of your misfortune. secondly, has this van been in a flood or had any kind of water damage that you know of? i have heard a similar story about a later model chrysler van that had a leaky sunroof. i believe you have paid entirely too much money repairing this vehicle and its time to move on. i know you said youre strapped for cash right now, but if you can get into a honda, they are excelent vehicles!  

  2. Chryslers in general, as my family has known them, are throw-away cars, although I've heard that they've gotten better in recent times.

    If the repairs were all part of regular upkeep, such as tires, brakes, oil changes, etc, it wouldn't be too bad. But if you have put in nearly six thousand dollars in six years, I think you may have a money pit. When you get the opportunity, I would dump it and finance something a bit newer, and preferably Japanese or Korean

  3. you spent too much money for it if its causing you all those problems.

  4. hopelessly devoted to my man, I had similar problems last week and was glad I got my repairs covered under my extended warranty. They are less expensive if you buy them aftermarket.

  5. You know it's really hard to answer that question with a simple yes or no, because we all do what we can when things happen in our live's. If it's all you can do at this time then the answer is no it's not to much because what else are you to do. The answer would be yes if you were able to get something else right now.

  6. that's pretty high to spend for maintenance on one ,later on you might want to consider trading that one in for something else,once it starts getting to old you,ll be spending a lot more on it,for now that's still cheaper than buying a new one ,i hope it holds out for a while longer,good luck.

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