
Car repossesed that's in my name but not in my posession?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my ex split up over one year ago. He still won't sign the divorce papers. I tried to get him to get the car titled in his name, but he couldn't get the loan in his name to do that. I have an attorney, but he can't do much for me and now the car that's titled in my name got repossesed. Even though my ex had posession of the vehicle and made a couple of payments will I be held responsible for any fees? Live in PA




  1. yes you are stuck,just run a ad in and have someone take over the paymants,or call the bank and get a 10 day payoff and sell the car for that price,and get rid of it...a repo will crush your for being divorced,you dont need his signature...just get him served and go back in court,and show the judge,also tell the judge,he is as well responsable for half your debt as well.good luck.

  2. Unfortunately as the car is in your name the responsibility rests with you if there are any problems. It is hard on you but shows that if someone else can't get a loan in their name it is too risky to be kind and help them out by taking the loan in your name. You could be liable for any outstanding balance on the loan and it is your credit affected.  Is it too late to call the loan company, explain the situation and see if you can make up any outstanding moneys and keep paying off the loan? I doubt if they will want to help but worth trying if you want your credit rating to be the best it can be under the circumstances.

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