
Car stolen????? help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My mom's boyfriend(he is a druggie and has a past record) brough home a 1988 Honda. I remember the license plate cuz his "boss" (who was a druggie and had a really bad past record) drove the exact same car. My mom's boyfriend said his friend wants to sell it to my mom for only 300 dollars. I think the car is stolen, I need to find out if it is or not WITHOUT calling the police. I have already gone on websites and they ALL want to charge for the records. I need a FREE way to get the info. please help me. I already have the VIN number.

does anyone know of a site or something that i can find out if the car is stolen or not??? please help. thank you




  1. If the car is stolen, the DMV should know, and if you call from a pay phone it's unlikely that anyone would be able to race the call.  Just say that you're thinking about buying it but you want to know if there is a record of any leans or tickets on it.  I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to call the police though, since I'd think you would be more worried about your mom getting in trouble by buying stolen property.  Also, I'd recommend against buying the car anyway because if it's that old even Hondas will have problems, and druggies are not known to take good care of their vehicles, even if they do legally own them.  My wife's car is a 1997 Honda and even though I take good care of it for her, it has issues already.  If you don't want to go to the police to get the information, I would just not buy the car.  Look on Craigslist and you can find cars for very close to that price that are a lot newer, and less likely to be stolen.

  2. Do your mom and yourself a BIG favor and ask the cops for help. If it's stolen you d**n sure don't want your mother tooling around in it when the cops pull her over and then find traces of crack in the trunk.

  3. Call the police.

  4. You are not going to find public records of licensed vehicles, their owners, or addresses without going to the police.

    If you really feel its stolen, then why not go to the police? You can call anonymously.

    Or, you can let your Mom drive around in a stolen vehicle and get pulled over and go to jail for car theft!

    Choice is yours.

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