
Car took off on me as soon as i started it.

by  |  earlier

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I drive a five speed 2002 mustang. Today I was getting ready to leave the store and as soon as i turned the key over the car took off and peeled tires. I had the clutch all the way in. The car was in first gear and the e brake was pulled up. What could be wrong with my car? I am positive the clutch was all the way in. It drove home fine. Thanks for any help




  1. Something is definatley up with your clutch, it obviously got stuck engaged for some reason. Could be something hydraulically or mechanically but just to be safe start the car with the shifter in neutral, better to have a little gear grind when you try an engage first/reverse then having to buy a couple new bumpers. I would start with the pushrod right above the clutch then move inward from there.

  2. clutch needs to be adjusted  

  3. clutch is on the left not the right

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