
Car vs bike?

by Guest60171  |  earlier

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hello, Sam here, why am i allowed to ride my HarleyDavidson but not drive a car? the d**n dmv says that my reaction time is not fast enough! i ride really well for my age and finesse level. Hello. Yes, I do that. Come on, who would ever know that about you and me???




  1. .  What do expect out of a state shaped like a p***s?

    Maddog is wrong, by the way.  Stats show that younger drivers are wrecking cars, not seniors.  Stats show over 50 having increased fatalities on bikes,  but its because there is  an increasing number of 50+  yr olds  and they are able to spend time on bikes instead of working at Burger King.

  2. Reveil your self , Are you cornporto , balding Hd , Or HD william , we know your hiding , get a hoverround

  3. If the DMV said your reaction time is too slow it must be horrific because they are reluctant to take even the worst drivers license.

    In a car you can kill people, on a bike you will kill yourself. Smart thing to do is to admit to yourself that you should no longer ride a motorcycle and move on. I know that ain't easy but statistically most motorcycle fatalities are riders 50 and over.

    I think that older people (one day me) don't realize how slow their reaction times are. I see them going the wrong direction, one almost hit me on my bike last weekend, they accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake and launch into stores etc. they can be as dangerous or more dangerous as people drinking. The difference is the drunk knows its them and the older person thinks its everyone else.

  4. Hey the DMV can only take your license, not your car. So just drive without a license like many seniors do. We'll get out of your way.

  5. I believe that you have way too much time on your hands and your questions are inane.

  6. apparently dont know much at all,over 50 having the most fatalities?where do you get your information from,joe b ?


  7. Aww don't worry about them DMV people. They're gonna move to the building next door and be in charge of health care after Oh-bamma becomes president.

  8. sounds like they whant this,your most likly to kill your self on abike  but a car is wider it would mow more people down so freak them out and put a side cart on it and a trailer on your bike oh dont forget the 500lbs fat girl to put in the sidecart you would shurly blow some polititions mind them freedom stilling ,pencil pushing dont know what going on people even if bit them in the azz

  9. Dam Sam that sounds f d up that don't even sound right i wish you would have stated what state you where from i  think i would take it up with someone of a higher power
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