
Car was in flood- don't know what to do...?

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Unfortunately, I was in the major Iowa storm. Our car got flooded up to the steering wheel and our insurance did not cover floods so I know we're probably sh*t out of luck but we're trying to at least try and recover a bit of our car since its not that old and was in perfect shape =( What can we do? Any idea on how we can dry out the car? Please help




  1. Sorry for your losses.  We had major flooding several years ago and cars were covered under the normal automobile comprehensive damage coverage while most homes were not- unless the owner had special flood insurance.  Check with your car insurance company, you may be pleasantly surprised.

  2. the car will be a total loss,because all the electronics part of it went under water including the computer,anything that was electronic on it is now useless,it wont dry out and work again,i got one from a a hurricane a while back that someone purchased and wanted to try and get it to run,it wont happen,it totally ruins them when they go under,even the engine will be ruined over this,im deeply sorry for your loss,a lot of people lost everything they had,good luck .

  3. Its simple.. if you have comprehensive coverage on your auto policy your covered.. if not, thats the risk you took when you signed the policy.

    If you dont have it id suggest you try to sell the car to a salvage yard

  4. I would understand that you may not have homeowners insurance for floods, yet unless you do not carry comprehensive on your auto policy, you should be fine.

  5. If you have comp. coverage then you will be covered for flood damage, if not then you are, indeed, S.O.L. You can sell it to a recycler but you will need a clear title. Whatever you do, do NOT attempt to dry it out and drive it. Any vehicle built since the '90's are so laden with airbags, sensors, electronics and computer systems that you will spend a fortune getting it roadworthy.

    Tough break...

  6. Homeowners Insurance doesn't cover floods, but if you had comprehensive Auto insurance on your car, it should be covered (subject to any deductible you may have had).  Call your auto insurance company ASAP

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