A month or so ago, I went to switch into drive to move my car into the driveway for the night. However, when pressing the brake down I the gear lever wouldn't move, it seemed stuck in place. However, with some experimentation, I was able to switch gears by turning the key to a point just before when the starter engages (a variety of electronics on the car shut off briefly at this point, which is a mm or so before the starter is engaged). At this point I can switch into Drive and freely switch gears from there. It's just that I have to turn the key to switch into a gear other than park.
Also, I found recently that my brake lights wont work either. I feel that these two problems could be linked.
I'm disappointed because sometimes I end up accidentally grinding my starter when I don't have to (if this was fixed). My question is, does anybody have any clue as to what's going on? How intensive of a repair is this? How expensive?
My thanks ahead of time for those capable of helping out :]