
Car wreck-whats the least amount of money i should accept?

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I got t-boned by a guy who ran a red light. totaled my car and his, i had to get taken out of my car on a stretcher to the hospital. I had a concusion and a bunch of bruses and cuts. I am having really bad back problems and possibly pinched a nerve in my neck. My whole left arm is a bruse. I am out of work for about a week if not more. The guy has to pay for everything. I am also going to get money for pain and suffering. What is the least I should accept? Not to mention, I am only 18 and I can't even ride by where we crashed at, it makes me really emotional.




  1. Put yourself in the other driver's shoes and think of how much you would be willing to lose before it wrecks your life. I would settle for that amount.  

  2. Only you can answer the question you are asking.  There are many lawyers that would be more than willing to get some money for you and then take  1/3 or better of any settlement they get for you.

  3. What you should hope for is to be in the physical condition you were in before the accident. You should be fairly compensated for the damage to your car and any loss of work and related medical bills. Please don't look at this as "winning the lottery" like many do. Greed and outrageous law suits do nothing but line lawyers pockets and drive up insurance rates.  

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