
Cara black and Rennae Stubbs huge bust up?

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supposdly they broke up cos they had a huge argument wot do u ppl think




  1. yes,they were partners before. right after rennae split with lisa raymond between 04-06. actually,cara had played a couple times with liezel huber during the time she and rennae were more regular partners so that might be the reason why they parted ways,ultimately. also,i often hear rennae is rather a control freak and likes to dictate her partners so perhaps there was a conflict there and she was testing the waters with liezel and just decided they clicked better. and as you notice,cara and liezel are the number one's at the moment and have two slams as a team.

  2. Cara Black and Rennae Stubbs?

    they are not even partners. cara is paired up with huber.

    and if you are referring to a relationship, thats impossible because cara black is engaged/married, i think

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