
Caracas, Venezuela. . .churches?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know of a list of NON-Catholic churches in Caracas? I wanted to know, because my fiance lives there, and the next time I visit, we both want to attend church, but neither of us are Catholic. He can't seem to find any, though, of course, I specifically asked for Baptist, but it could be any protestant church, really. I appreciate the help!




  1. That other answer probably helps you, but here's a Baptist site's church search page in case that will help:

  2. ok, here is what I found. Im giving you names, adresses, emails and phones:

    1. Iglesia Pentecostal Apostólica

         E Mendoza Qta Dan, Pb Los Chorros

         Caracas, Distrito Metropolitano

         Tel : (0212) 2395043

    2.  Iglesia Bautista Emanuel (This is a baptist one)

         Cl. Urdaneta Casa Iglesia Bautista Emanuel, Local 610, Urbanización La Castellana

         Caracas, Distrito Metropolitano

         Tel : (0212) 2635107 / Tel : (0212) 2641645

    3.  Iglesia Evangélica Pentecostal Las Acacias

         Av. Roosevelt Edificio Iepla, Nivel Pb Urbanización Nuevo Prado

         Caracas, Distrito Metropolitano

    4. Iglesia Bautista Central

        Urb la Candelaria

        Telf: (0212)5618347

    5. Iglesia Bautista Memorial:

        Urb El cafetal.

        Tel: (0212)9870094

    (Iglesia= church).I hope I helped you. You can ask your boyfriend for the translations you need.

    EDIT: you know what? here is a very useful link, specially if you speak spanish:

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