
Carbon Emission Reduction Great Idea! - But are Enforcers Green and Blinkered?

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Before you answer these THINK ABOUT IT.

Are any of the worlds so called Energy Efficcient Devices really any use????

Will a solar pannel ever save as much energy as it uses to manufacture and distribute it, in its entire serviciable life?

Will other devices also do the above??

would you ever get finantial and energy payback on the use or would the device fail before it even touches the overall energy consumption in manufacture.

how much energy goes into desposal of the said items and manufacture of the new ones?




  1. -----------------------------------on energy efficiency:

    Most of the measures can have a very short payback time due to very high energy prices. Generally less than 5 years.

    This is valid for the industry but also home appliances: e.g. a new energy saving fridge might pay itself off after 5 years!

    It is a net benefit for almost everybody and every step of the economy.

    ------------------------------------on power generation

    ROE: Return on Energy

    Solar cells in a sunny region: 4-10 years ROE ; liftime: over 60 years

    Wind mill on a good site: 4-7 years ROE; lifetome: 20-25 years

    ---* financial aspects:

    large wind power is competitive even without subsidies against coal and nuclear

    solar power is still at an early stage and needs to be subsidized in order to accelerate its development and deployment.

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