
Carbon Trading?

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how do you feel towards it? & do you think it will help curb global warming?




  1. The "Carbon Credit" scam is a huge joke. It is a total and complete scam.

    Here's an example: Many of the major groups selling the so-called carbon credits are the companies buying scrap cars ... or titles to scrap cars. They claim they will take the old cars off the market and thus make way for newer, more fuel-efficient and cleaner machines.

    The problem is that they are doing nothing more than the same thing they were doing before. Buying and selling scrap for recycling. The problem is they are depleting the used car parts market at a record pace, this means that manufacturers must make more new cars as the old ones can no longer be repaired. Also the newer cars don't last as long as the old ones and thus more energy must be expended to make them. AND the newer cars use much more non-recycleable plastics in their cars - made from petrochemicals - which must either be burned or dumped in landfills.

    Don't believe what the man-made global warming crowd try to sell you.

  2. its great. i think it can solve this problem as it solved the acid rain problem.

  3. It's a lie.

    What you have is people doing the right thing and being environmentally friendly and then people like Al Gore come in an buy their Carbon Credits so he can fly around on a private jet and have a mansion that takes 24 times the amount of electricity as the average home.

    Do the right thing and conserve! Don't come up with some bogus get rich scheme, which is what carbon credits are.

  4. Paying for the privilege to pollute cannot be a good idea.

  5. I think it's probably the best shot we have.  The big argument against it is that it is essentially allowing companies to pollute if they can afford to buy allowances.  While that is the basic premise, critics of such plans are missing the forest for the trees.  As a practical conservationist, I realize that forcing every corporation to simply stop polluting is absolutely impossible and won't help at all.  History shows us that such a measure will simply produce shortages and black markets.  Regulators will be overwhelmed and probably bribed into looking the other way.  The solution is to turn pollution into a profit center by allowing companies to generate credits by reducing their pollution levels and then sell those credits to companies who can't or won't undertake their own projects.  A similar scheme is spurring a renewable energy building frenzy in the US as we speak.

    In fact, the sulphur dioxide (primary cause of acid rain) emissions reduction plan works on a cap and trade system, and has been very successful.  By 2010 it will have reduced SO2 levels by 50% from 1980 levels.  Would you rather save a tree or two, or the whole forest?

  6. It would be a step in the right direction. If industries have to pay to pollute, then this would encourage the development of new, greener technologies.
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