
Carbon friendly, how can a property maintenance firm be so?

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i do believe in not easily wasting materials, or using to excessive waste just simply for time and money, i like to see good old or used materials used rather than skipped, but at times this is very hard to earn a living and get the job done

so any ideas and thoughts on how to be trully eco and carbon friendly in property maintenance?

looking forward to your comments thanks




  1. First contrary to some CO2 is a pollutant:

    {On Monday, April 2, 2007 the Supreme Court made a decision that impacts what we will do about carbon dioxide. This is from a case called Massachusetts vs EPA, which was brought under the Clean Air Act.  There are a number of important findings from the case. First, the ruling establishes that CO2 is a pollutant - a potentially damaging pollutant. While it does not require that EPA control CO2, it does establish that the EPA has the authority to control CO2 in order to limit damage}

    The adage is and holds true: the dose makes the poison.

    Change the lights to cfls. Regular maintenance of all HVAC units. Use light sensors for lighting. Create a recycle program for waste. Look at Xeriscaping instead of lawns. Be creative.

  2. well the CO2 is a pollutant because since there are to many living animals  and not enough plants so we breath in too much and out not enough

  3. What's wrong with carbon?

    You're not a Kool-Aid drinker are you?  Are you really so shallow as to think that CO2 is a pollutant??

  4. If you are in the property maintenance business, then being carbon friendly is very good for your business -- it saves your customers money and energy bills in the long run, while you earn your fees.

    Here are some earth-friendly activities, for which you will get paid.

    1. Change all exterior light bulbs with energy efficient ones, like fluorescent or LED. Solar powered landscape lighting is great, since the power is free.

    2. Plant trees. They improve property appearance and value, provide shade, and absorb greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

    3. If you live in a sunny region, recommend installing solar electric power unit. Some states will pay also a big subsidy for it.

    Not recommended -- recycling soapy water for watering plants. Some evergreens do not tolerate alkaline conditions, and will die.

  5. these folk been doing it a few years now;

    they retrofit with low embodied energy insulation and recycled materials, rainwater collection systems, low energy fittings, and buy the most green energy available. also they encourage the social side; in house cleaning ladies, inclusive policies to get tenants thinking of the building as 'theirs' so they take better care, recycle etc.

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