
Card counting?

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I'm seen the comercial to the movie 21, about the students of MIT. Is card counting illegal or is it just banned from casinos.




  1. Card counting is NOT illegal, but if a casino suspects you of doing it, they have right to kick you out of the casino. They are business owners and have the right to refuse service to anyone. You can do it successfuly, but they frown on it.

  2. -Card counting is not illegal

    -Some casinos may opt to remove you if they are allowed to by the laws governing their casino

    -Not all casinos can remove you and those that cant will change aspects of the game that make card counting a futile effort

    -Card counting is taboo in the eyes of casinos

  3. It depends on how you count cards.

    Using an electronic or mechanical device for counting is definitely illegal (at least in Nevada but probably elsewhere) and if caught, you will be prosecuted and it's a pretty good bet you will go to prison.

    However, as long as you do the counting in your head, it's perfectly legal but a casino also has to legal right to refuse service or even eject players they don't like (as long as the reason has nothing to do with race, gender, religion, etc).  IMHO, unless you plan to be a professional blackjack player or you are really good at performing math gymnastics in your head, card counting is an awful lot of work for an approximately 1% advantage.  Plus, you can do a perfect job counting, brilliantly disguise your behavior and STILL lose money.

    Basically, card counting (whichever system you use) tells you when to raise or lower your bet.  Betting more when the odds are in your favor and less (or sitting out hands) when the odds are against you, is how card counting gives you an advantage.  You still have to play a perfect strategy.

    The problem is that casinos put in a lot of measures to thwart counters (cheats too, but that's different matter) and are always watching for counters.  The casino doesn't have to count cards to catch you, they just look for certain behavior that fits the profile.  Never toking (tipping the dealer), studiously watching every card dealt, winning "too much", and bets that quickly jump around are just a few things that get the casino's attention.  (Oddly enough, I've heard that some consider drinking only bottled water to fit the profile).  You never want to be noticed and disguising your behavior can get pretty elaborate and mentally exhausting.

    If you're lucky, they'll just tell you that you're welcome to play any of the other games in the casino (aka "backed off").  If they read you the tresspass act, they're ejecting (barring) you and if you ever come back into the casino, they'll have you arrested for trespassing.  Bad news if you're staying at the hotel there.  Not only that, your picture and name gets entered into Biometrica.  Once you've been flagged in Biometrica, casinos around the world know about you.  You can never again stay in a hotel/casino under your real name.

    That said, once you've got basic strategy down cold, you may find you get a thrill from counting (the risk of being caught and winning more often).  If you're really good at mentally computing and keeping track of 2 or 3 counts, you'll probably enjoy counting (just don't lose track of the count).  Also, if you play less than an hour in one session before going to another casino, you'll most likely get away with counting.  

    My preference is to find a game with good rules, play basic strategy, make minimum bets to stretch out my play time and get more free drinks (knowing basic strategy well allows me to drink while playing).  I may not win as often, but I have a lot more fun because I'm playing, not working! :)

  4. Card counting is not illegal.  Card counting relies on knowing if there are more ten value cards in the shoe than low value cards.  When there are more ten value cards in the shoe, the advantage shifts to the player.  A card counter must increase his bet when the odds are in his favor.  Casino pit bosses will count along with suspected card counters.  If they see a player changing his bet with the count, they will identify the player as a counter.  The casino can react in several ways. Most likely they will simply instruct the dealer to shuffle more often, thus reseting the count and putting the odds back in their favor.  They can also refuse to allow the counter to play (but this is likely only when you are betting large sums of money and winning).  If you are counting and doing a bad job of it, they will let you play.

    To combat this, a card counter must wager carefully.  A casino will spot a suspected card counter because he raises his bets when the count goes in the players favor.  Keeping a low bet spread between your minimum and maximum bet will help "hide" the fact that you are counting.  Of course, you have to have a large enough bet spread to make it worth your while.

    You can read more about card counting and practice card counting for free at...

    There is nothing to install and no java applets. Simply visit the website and start playing.

    It assists with the multiple card counting systems. It keeps the count for you, which you can show or hide. That way you show the computers count only when you want to double check your own count. Plus, it tracks each card played as well.

    It assists you with basic multi-deck strategy, instructing you how to play against the dealers upcard. The strategy matrix can be shown or hidden.

  5. I think it might be illegal. Not sure. It might just be banned or frowned upon.

  6. Sigh...for the 5000th time...that movie is based on real events that happened OVER 20 YEARS AGO.  You will not be successful trying to get into card counting today.

  7. Card counting is not illegal but it is also not effective. It is very difficult to find a situation where you could use card counting to an advantage worth exploiting.
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