
Card game help?!?

by Guest32878  |  earlier

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I love card games to play with people but I want a new one to play does anyone know of a fun, cool card game to play? if so can you please explain it?

I know of these games already:





slap jack

egyptian rat s***w

gin rummy

black jack




  1. spit (two person game)

    divide the cards evenly (no jokers). each person holds 5 cards in their hand that the other person can't see. then you each put a card out face up. you both take cards from your hand and put them on either card in front of you. keep replacing the ones in your hand with ones from your personal stack so that you always have 5 cards in your hand. if neither of you can put anything down, you both flip another card onto the pile that you started in the beginning. (c**p i suck at explaining this typed out). whoever runes out of cards in their hand first tries to slap the smaller pile of face up cards. the other person can see they have run out and try to slap the smaller pile first. when someone no longer has enough cards to start a center pile to play on, leave the space empty. whoever runs out of cards wins.

    it takes a long time but its fun.


    its the same set up as BS. the suit order from lowest value to highest is diamond, club, heart, spade. the number order is 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,J,Q,K,A,2. whoever has the 3 of diamonds starts. it rotates around the circle. the first person puts down a single card, doubles, or any poker hand face up. whatever they put down is what other people must put down. (first person places a 3 of diamons. next person has to put down a higher value single card.) the value of a hand is judged by the value of the highest card used. when no one has anything they can or want to put down, the person who put the highest card or hand down starts a new round. whoever runs out of cards first wins. you can pass for single turns at a time. if you have something that could be put down, you don't have to use it for strategic purposes.

  2. I know you are asking about different card games... But how do you play "trash" or "Trash Can' - that's a kids game? What are the rules?

    This is kinda what I'm looking for, but it wasn't very clear.  Could you expound on it?;...

    Here's  another game:


    2 decks of cards

    Not sure of how many people, but it's a good group game.  Played it with 4 people

    Can include jokers

    * Deal out 11 cards to each player

    * The rest of the cards are set face down in a pile, and the

    top card is turned up

    Kinda of like gin rummy.  You can have

    * sets (3 of a kind or 4 if you have it)


    * runs (2,3,4,5 -- have to have 4 cards in order in the same suite - straight flush), but what is needed is predetermined, before playing the game.

    * A's are treated differently.

          *  Red A's are wilds, but they cannot act like an Ace over a King... King is High.  So if you have a run of KQJ, then you would add the red A at the end, like KQJA, the A would be the stand in '10'.

          * Black A's are considered to be a 1, never above a king.

    * can use jokers - they are wild

    Trash pile:  anyone can pull from the middle discard pile, even out of turn - but whoever is next in line will have precedence if both want it, but if the card is in the middle or bottom, all cards on top (placed after) of it must be taken.

    the first player is to the left of the Dealer. Rotate the dealer clockwise.

    The order I had before:

    2 sets of 3 of a kind

    1 run (straight flush - 4 cards) and a set (at least a 3 of a kind)

    2 runs

    Object of the game:

    * Get rid of your cards

    * Don't earn points

    * Once you only have one card you have to say 'Oonce'

    To start the game, the player to the left of the dealer will pick from the pile of cards that were placed face down.

    That person will then discard one of their cards.

    Remember anyone can pull from the discard pile at any time.

    Only on your turn can you put cards down, or put your cards on another person's pile.

    * Each player can only have 2 played runs or sets or combos depending on what was predetermined. Once you put your 2 sets, then that's it... you'll just have to play off of the existing sets/runs] of all the players.

    * To get rid of cards, you have to first make the predetermined combo layed out, first before you can play on other people's combos.

    * player with only one card left says 'Oonce' on their turn

    * to win, the player must put a card on other player's or own set/run combos on the table, and also Discard a card.

    * if you have a card that could replace a 'played' wild card, then you can replace the wild card with that card, and put the wild card somewhere else.


    Red Aces are 30

    Black Aces are 20

    Jokers are 20

    Face cards are 10

    Number cards = same number of points

  3. Bullcrap

    To play you deal out an equal amount of cards to everyone that's playing(without the jokers). Then You put out an A and go from there. (23456789JQKA) Taking turns. You have to say what card you put out and how many. If you don't have the next card you put out a card and lie that you do have the card. If you know that the other person is lying say bull c**p and the pick up the whole stack of cards thats out. If it is the right card you take the stack. First person out of cards wins.
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