
Card making and gift wrapping small business in the UK?

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I live in the UK .I am thinking of starting a small business, making cards, wrapping presents etc.. I need to find out as much as possible about it, I am doing my research and wondered if anybody here maybe has a similar business already? Just need to know what prospects of earnings etc I'd have if I went through with it? Also, where do I get all the materials? I went to Hobbycraft and everything there is way too expensive, if I was to make a simple card it comes up to about £2 just in materials! Surely there is a much cheaper way to do it?

I need to know as much as possible, please help!

Thank you so much!




  1. Argos do big packets of blank cards and envelopes, they're not the highest quality but a lot cheaper and it depends what end of the market you're aiming for.  The Early Learning Centre does big pots of PVA glue that are the cheapest way I have found of buying it so far.

    I only make a few cards for personal use at the moment, but I collect recycled stuff, fabrics, sequins etc. to use, so I only have to buy the blanks and glue.  There's so much interest in recycling at the moment that I would probably make this a feature if I was selling them.

    You could maybe increase the profitability of your cards by making gift tags as well, which are cheaper to make but always needed.

  2. There are wholesalers which you can buy from in bulk and this will cut down the cost. If you go to the birmingham trade show which is on in 2 weeks you will find plenty there. The february show is much bigger though and there will be more choice. If you look at the packets of the products in hobby craft there should be the company details on the back, if not there will be a name and you can look them up online.

    A retailer realistically isn't going to buy a handmade card in for more than £1.50-£1.80 as £3.99 is probably the limit that someone would spend on a card. If you sell it yourself you could probably get £3-£3.50 for them depending on how good they are. You really have to weigh up how much the materials will cost and how long they each take to make  and ask yourself is it really worth it. Most independant stores are happy to take handmade cards from people like yourself but sometimes will take them on a sale or return basis.

    Alot of garden centres seem to have craft consessions at the moment I'm not sure about their prices but it might be worth checking out.

    Hope this helps!

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