
Cardcaptors which episodes?

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I've realised if I want more things to watch off cardcaptors I need to watch the japanese version but I've recently finsihed the englsih version. Have all the episodes been cut? Or is there certain episodes that have been cut to watch without having to watch the whole serial again.





  1. It has 70 Episodes.. Have u watched all?If u have, then u didnt miss any.

  2. there are 70 Japanese episodes.

    and the capturing of the clow cards is essentially the same in both series.

    so if you have seen the first 35episodes in eng watch the 35-70 in japanese.

    basically go on wikepedia and get a list of engdub episodes and a list of japanese original episodes and compare the two so yyou an divine which episodes to watch

  3. I know one that's different, it's sakura syaoran and the elevator.

  4. The entire series is not as long in the english version and the episodes in the english version are edited and cut for viewers in America. Some things can't really be translated into english so they just change it. Also if the material seems inappropriate, it will be edited as well. I suggest you watch the entire Japanese version; it is and sounds much better. Go to

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