
Cardinal fans?

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whop thinks its about freakin time the cards make a move at the deadline?

i think that we need some serious bull pen help as in 3 of 4 games against the brewers in our last series were losses that the brew crew came from behind after a quality start from our starter.

i would love to see brian fuentes or george sherrill as a cardinal, not to mention if we could get matt holiday to let pujols get more pitches?

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  1. i'd like to get that help as well, but seriously what are we gonna give up for it?  The brewers are losing sheets and sabathia after this year, they knew this year was their only chance so they gave up their future by trading minor league talent for a shot this year.  The cubs did the same, and i hope the cards dont because next year looks so promising.  Not to mention we are giving this year a great chance when we get wainright and carpenter up to speed.  I think our bullpen needs work, not new pitchers.

  2. I'm mystified that a left-handed reliever has not been added to the bullpen, and I was jealous when the Yankees got Damaso Marte. I'm also disappointed that the Cardinals did not strengthen the middle infield and/or bench. Our bench is a joke right now. So is the 'pen, but at least we can *hope* that the 'pen will improve as Carpenter and Wainwright enter the rotation and some guys start to pitch better. The bench will continue to be a problem. I want to know why the Cardinals haven't gone after someone like Cristian Guzman, who presumably wouldn't have much trade value, when Ryan and Izturis both have an OPS under .600 and our bench is anemic. But John Mozeliak seems to simply be a clone of Bill DeWitt, and DeWitt is a greedy prick who knows that he can sell a lot of tickets (with the 3rd highest ticket prices in baseball) without investing much in the team -- especially after 2006.

  3. yeah the cards really need bullpen help..

    those pitchers would really fit into our bullpen so well hope moleziak does something tommorow

  4. Cardinals do need to make a move. Bullpen needs help.   If Jocketty was still GM he would have made a move by now.  I have no confidence in the GM and ownership of the team now.

  5. give it up already- Larussa

  6. Yeah I think there is a possibility that we could go after Fuentes and that would be alot of help to the bullpen. Colorado has said they like some players in our farm, also, so there might be a deal in the works. But the Cardinals' ownership have stated that they are not going to be aggresive in making deals, if making any at all. As far as Holliday goes, there MIGHT be a .5% chance that he gets traded to the Cards. And if we did get him, we'd give more than we got. I think it's doubtfull that Holliday leaves the Rockies this year at all.

    I think we should focus on the pen and not go after offense because if the Cards had blown 0 saves this year (and I know that no team blows 0 saves), we'd have about 85 wins.
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