
Cardinals' quarterback Kevin Kolb cautious after concussion – NFL News

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Cardinals' quarterback Kevin Kolb cautious after concussion – NFL News
Arizona Cardinals were delighted to start the last week game against San Francisco 49ers as their injured quarterback Arizona Cardinals had finally returned to the side a week earlier. The Cardinals defeated the National Football
Conference West division champions, but the game brought a bad news for them as Kolb, who was playing his second game after the injury, was injured once again and had to leave the field.
Kolb, who has already missed four games this season, is very cautious about his recent concussion that forced him out against the 49ers. On Wednesday, he did show up in the practice session, but was limited in training and did
not work out completely. Kolb said that he wanted to play, but could not take risk with the concussion.
“It's a touchy subject, and we want to make sure that we err on the right side.
"Obviously, our health is number one, especially when it comes to your brain. I want to be out there as much as anybody, but it's just something you don't push," he added.
Kolb has started nine games this season. He has completed 146 passes of 253 attempts for 1,955 yards. He has also sent nine touchdowns and eight interceptions. He has a quarterback rating of 81.1.
Last week, he was out in the first quarter after receiving a hit. It was frustrating for him to miss the game, but he was pleased at his team’s performance in the game.
"We were ready to go out there and do what we ended up doing, which is great for our team. I wish I could have been a part of it, but they did a great job again of picking right up and rolling along."
Cardinals have won six games this season and lost seven. They are ranked third in the NFC West division ranking, and still have a slight chance to reach the postseason, through a wildcard of course. After beating Dallas Cowboys
and the 49ers, their morale is high that would help them in their remaining games in the regular season.
They are going to take on Cleveland Brown in the week-15 game of the National Football League current season. The will face Cincinnati Bengals and Seattle Seahawks in week 16 and 17 respectively.



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