
Cardio work after you have woken up?

by  |  earlier

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if i decided to do some cardio work in the morning, when my body looks towards fat for energy, should i be running or walking? and is it wise to take some protein after im done?




  1. Walking is fine, if u gonna do some running be sure to eat something before. Eat a combination of protein and carbs to replenish ur energy afterwars

  2. Yeah, running in the morning feels great!! Make sure to stretch out really well beforehand though becuase your muscles will be tight. Eating protien rich foods or a protien shake is also a good idea if you are trying to bulid muscle.

  3. Cardio workouts for fat burn are probably best done first thing inthe morning. Coffee caps are good to get the metabolism going .. as is L-Carnitine prior to teh training.... its ok to have a protein shake afterwards just to replace the glucodins and help prevent muscle depletion..

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