
Cards in a Rogue deck??

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I am constructing a Mono-Black Rogue Deck. So far I have 69 cards. I am going to take 9 out, but I'm not sure which ones. Could you name 9 cards i should take out and why?



21x Swamp

1x Mutavault


3x March Flitter

2x Auntie's Snitch

4x Stinkdrinker Bandit

3x Nightshade Stinger

4x Prickly Boggart

4x Ghostly Changeling

4x Frogtosser Banneret

4x Oona's Blackguard

4x Earwig Squad


1x Bitterblossom

2x Noggin Whack

4x Morsel Theft

4x Pack’s Disdain

4x Profane Command

-- Thanks




  1. I'd throw out Auntie's Snitch and Noggin Whacks and Pack's disdain can go to. Throw in more bitterblossoms. Ghostly changeling isn't that good. Stick in another nightshade stinger and another marsh flitter. Then try sticking in maybe 2  terrors or one. You can actually swap a few lands out since your deck is pretty fast. And stick in 3 more mutavaults. They really help. Hope this helped!XD

  2. Needs more Bitterblossom.

    Anyway, I would recommend Terramorphic Expanse, becuase after the third turn, you should be prowling like crazy, so you want to thin your deck

    Ghostly Changling and Auntie's Snitch can go. That's six cards gone already.

    Pack's Disdain: get rid of it. Nameless Inversion is better, because it can be played cheaper with the banneret. However, since you have Profane command, never mind. 10 cards gone.

    I would reduce Earwig to a 2-of, and replace them with Inkfathom Infiltrator. Add in a third Infiltrator for 60 cards.

    Take out a Morsel Theft for a Noggin Whack, and that should be a good starting point.

  3. Whoa! People still play this game?  I used to play this almost 15 years ago.  Revised (third edition).  Lightning bolt, fireball, disinegrate, walls and lots of red mana.

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